sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

ALulas - Music From a Watermelon Lyrics

Saints On The Run

Hope you got no one
Seek another son
She don't let me play
In the corner without face

See it coming constantly
All of the sudden let me be

She got a new gun
Saints are on the run
Mother hear me say
I'm sorry for the decay

See it coming constantly
All of the sudden let me be

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

I think Is Over (But I never say)

I was on my way
I think is over (but I never say)
She was my friend
I think is over (but I never say)

These are my friends
I think is over (but I never say)
So long again
I think is over (but I never say)

Oh don't wanna know
Oh here we go!

Seek another face
I think is over (but I never say)
lying on that face
I think is over (but I never say)

I was'nt betray
I think is over (but I never say)
Down on the upside
I think is over (but I never say)

Oh don't wanna know
Oh here we go!

Music/Lyrics: André


I'm so mad
I live in the streets
With my hands n' feeths
And I don't care

I don't have anyone to help
My mother leave me livin' in hell
Papa Joe don't hear me say
Blow my nipples till I turn gay

I'm so mad
I live in the streets
With my hands n' feeths
And I don't care

Anyone knows who I am
Please mister, please understand
If everything I want go away
Make mustard with my hate

I'm so mad
I live in the streets
With my hands n' feeths
And I don't care

All my friends leave me today
Because, because I'm so grey
If you need a tree to be free
Just hear the voices on the streets

I'm so mad
I live in the streets
With my hands n' feeths
And I don't care

Music/Lyrics: André;

The Fool Of The Hat

Maybe I share the fool of the hat
Maybe I understand
Maybe I know the end of the low
Maybe I wasn't there
Maybe he saind don't lose your own head
Maybe I don't care
Maybe I hope for the end of the road
Feeling this damned regrets

Maybe I chose a silly excuse
To fell in love with her
Maybe the happyness live in my head
And she was never there
Maybe she flows away from my throath
Leaving me dry n' dead
Sure I know the end of the show
She melts away on my head

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

Nylon Head

Hey nylon head I'm so scare
The man on the tree got my eyes so bad
Dead noises on the bushes trip so mad
Knock the dog house with my leg

Hey nylon head

Hey nylon head I got so scare
Creeping me out with your rooting leg
The open door shadow of the man
I turn back n' run like a drag

Hey nylon head

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

I'm Think I'm in Love With a Guy

In these past days my heart was beating so damn fast
I never though we can fall in love like that
But I'm with you and the time just flyes by
I know it's true and my heart never lie

Case I think I'm in love with a guy
I wanna make love with a guy

But I miss you and is hard deal with that
Gimme to me, give me all with no regrets
Just like a dream you do all, you do me
Dyzzy in need, just keep my fantasy

Case I think I'm in love with a guy
I wanna make love with a guy

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

Dead Lady

I seek another little girl
come on baby
I don't wanna go home
alone baby

She sings another little dream
Fairy tale lady
She seeks another broken toy
Too played baby

I know she is from another world
So far baby
She's dead n' I know dad
What can I do?

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

Carnival On Mars

Ah... we live again, dancing till the end
Ah... we love my friend, songs in the air
Ah... don't talk just carnival on mars
Ah... soft color sounds blowing from my mind

Ah... so...
Waith I'm just healing my soul

Ah... do it again, pink bubbles in my head
I'm... in love my friend, love finaly found you again
High... on oxygen, that will never end
Ah... ask me again, my baby is diving on sand

Ah... so...
Waith I'm just healing my soul

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

Lion Man's Church

Welcome to the Lion man church
Where you lose your mind but not so much
Your fans are all here... Fucking pigs!
Fixing holes in the streets

Hey Lion Man, super over kill
Moving your hair like a simple witch
hey Lion Man just shake my hand
Please don't be scare sugar Lion Man
Hey Lion Man don' forget my friend

Welcome to the Lion man church
Where you lose your mind but not so much
Your fans are all here... Fucking pigs!
Fixing holes in the streets

Hey Lion Man fighting on feudal fields
Revenge is all, all that you wish
Hey Lion Man revenge doesn't kill?
Don't undestand it's sucks LioN Man

Welcome to the Lion man church
Where you lose your mind but not so much
Your fans are all here... Fucking pigs!
Fixing holes in the streets

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

The Big Chairs

I'm too sad to cry
Losing my hair I don't mind
I'm enough bored to try
I'm already sick of lines

Inside my head just I
Feeling like a man sometimes
Whispering suicide all night
I'm don't have anything to die!

Madly insane is I
Live in a videogame, surprise
I'm suicide, all lies
Ending with a wave goodbye


Damn You I know

Damn you I know
Waiting she grows
But for how long?
Damn you I know

We sing hello
Darkness will come
Till she go home
Damn you black hole

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

Jesus Loves My Rock

Now you see and obey
Now you love and hate
Now it's time to cry
Now I change your mind

Jesus loves my rock (cock)

Now I slave your mind
Now I creep inside
Now you love till die
Now I make you mine

Jesus loves my rock (cock)

Music/Lyrics: André

Big Bang Lover

You are there doing nothing at all
And you see she coming from far away

Baby you got a beautiful blue eyes
Come and talk to me
Baby I got a great big smile
come closer to see

Don't pretend be a sweet girl to me
Maybe you can get all you want from me

Baby you got a beautiful blue eyes
Come and talk to me
Baby I got a great big smile
come closer to see

I'm coming now
I'm coming in your way
Big bang lover!

Baby you got a beautiful blue eyes
Come and talk to me
Baby I got a great big smile
come closer to see

Music: André; lyrics: André & Victor;

All Their Lies

And there I go again to this place I won't stand
so much sickness, so much hate everyone stand away

And there's no happyness, no life
After you know all their lies

Music: André; Lyrics: Victor;

sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

Boa historia para uma lápide...

Ás sete de manhã devidamente acordado, seu Talba jazia em pé no piso de seu quarto, aos setenta anos aprenderá a acordar antes do velho despertador à bilha. Esperava por esse momento toda noite, quase não adormeceu de tanto expectativa. Convidara seu amigo de longo data “Velho” Adegesto, que se mostrou tão emocionado com ambos terem a mesma ideia, sem ao menos dizer um ao outro, mas ao mesmo tempo dizendo, lógica de idoso como eles combinariam mais tarde em suas lápides conjuntas.
Essa amizade bem surreal vinha desde dos tempos remotos da Mesopotâmia, não me cabe documentar como elo lírico da corrente, mas sim mostrar o quão próximos eram essas velhas fadas do mar!
Voltando ao seu Talba que se encontrava enterrado no piso de seu quarto com uma mão em seu quarto testículo e outra na orelha, pensando e ponderando sobre o maravilhoso dia que lhe esperava. Evitou em olhar para os porta-retratos de suas 13 ex-esposas, o “luxuoso lado negro” do quarto como dizia “velho” Adegesto, todas ás noites que abusavam de sua noites de Sclabble e dividiam a cama com um velho casal gay de pelotas.

(Não se perda em semântica velho narrador fajuto! Falo para mim mesmo enquanto digito....)

Do outro lado da quadra Adegesto estava deitado, tentando respirar, roncando e dormindo à espera do velho toque do telefone para lhe chamar e por suas roupas tão enrugadas como ele. Passará a noite em ansiá vendo antigas Sketchs cômicas do seu grupo favorito, “Entornando a sopa no caldo”. Começará a curti humor nonsense graças a seu falecido cachorro, que certo dia teimou em morder seu controle deixando permanente trancado no canal central de comédia, todos perguntavam por que ele não trocava os canais na TV ou simplesmente comprava um controle novo, mas ele sempre respondia:
- Se seu cachorro escolhe sua programação, alguma coisa devia estar errado com você, mas se você o contrariasse alguma coisa devia estar errada com o cachorro!
Ninguém nunca entendeu e como resultado ás pessoas se afastaram dele. Mas no mais não havia por que reclamar, tinha o uísque, TV, herpes, hemorróidas,a vista do Guaíba e sua ex-mulher havia recentemente sido vitimo de múltiplos estupros e assassinatos, o que lhe fazia se sentir em ótimo humor nos últimos dias.

O telefone toca e pés andam, enquanto os enrugados se ajeitam, o calor de Porto Alegre... aquece, ás estrada tomam vida e se enchem de luz dos autos que iluminam e dissipam o sangue das estradas da noite anterior, "é.... a vida é só um tempo antes da morte", disse um sábio poeta, eu.

Ambos se encontram ás 8h no meio do velho bar onde se abastecem de uísque e afofam suas pantufas e passam brilho, “prontos”, pensam em voz alta e se respondem: SIM.

Ás portas estão abertas, maldição não foram os primeiros à chegar, mas estão em terceiro e quarto lugar, então serve. Adegesto ensaboa a camisa hawaiana desbotada enquanto seu Talba alisa seus documentos. Sorrisos, livresse de metais e conversa sobre o passado futuro:

“- Essa marca vermelha é normal?
- Talvez seja câncer...”
“- Olha só... Você e suas hemorróidas!!!”
“- Adivinhas quem tem Alzheimer? ...”
“- Metade das potencia sexual está na língua e nos dedos... Cuidado com a sopa!”
“- Esses dias vi um modelo incrível, vermelho e bem torneada, encaixava perfeitamente em mim.
- Outro banquinho de madeira? Por que não compra um puff”

Por que eles vivem para ficar nas filas do banco, pensando como suas vidas enfadonhas fazem tanto sentido sem ter sentido...